I've played the track I wrote for Elmet Brae nearly 200 times within just a few days. Do anyone else do that? Just fall head over heels with their own songs like tha
I've played the track I wrote for Elmet Brae nearly 200 times within just a few days. Do anyone else do that? Just fall head over heels with their own songs like tha 16 comments
@neauoire yeah i listened to mine again a bunch to "make sure i liked it" and yeah, i still did @neauoire Yes, though it's more like ass over teakettle. 200 is probably typical, if you consider the dozens, sometimes hundreds, of times I need to listen to each 5-second chunk to make sure it's any good, tweak every single EQ param 0.5dB, etc. @spiralganglion Oh yeah, for sure, I don't count the writing process, just the scrobbles of the output file. @neauoire not totally the same thing but after i wrote the song i ran `while [ true ]; do mpv TRACK.mp3; done` and ended up leaving it on for about an hour or two without really thinking about it @neauoire Yep, and it played havoc with my last.fm stats, catapulting me into into my own top 20 most listened artists: https://www.last.fm/user/Miblo/library/artists I've since determined to listen to my own stuff outside of mpd, so it doesn't get scrobbled. @neauoire @dualhammers It's an ambient music album organized by a couple of folks on the instance, it should come out soon! @neauoire despite thinking all my WIP music is shit, I still often play it all on loop as a playlist, and every track "eats my thought" in the way an actual good song does, so... perhaps on some level I have what you're saying happen? |
@neauoire guilty. I'm quite pleased with how my Elmet Brae tracked turned out. I put a ton of work into it, and the result sounds completely effortless.