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@nilesh They could have accomplished this anyway with browser fingerprinting and such; this just makes it easier and cheaper for them. I only mention this to point out that the problem is not domain names, the problem is that Google is a trash company.


@jwz @nilesh I mean, they own most people's browser. They can grant themselves whatever permissions they want, however they want.


@calmeilles @jwz @nilesh This is the thing which seems to have passed everybody by: when Google dropped the 'Do no evil' bye-line, that was a direct indication that they were now going to do evil (otherwise they wouldn't have dropped it), and nobody cared about that.


@khleedril @calmeilles @nilesh It was always bullshit. (Actually the term-of-art is "bluster".) They always defined "evil" as "lack of fiduciary duty to shareholders". Certainly the term wasn't defined in the TOS or articles of incorporation. I'm sure the only reason they scrubbed it was merely the lawyerly instinct to delete anything that reflects personality or humor.

Paul in de Emiraten

@jwz @nilesh people are trash too. I’ve been told that if id pay €8,50 per month Google could run its services without selling adds cq my privacy.
Can anyone confirm that amount? I would be happy to pay it.


@Paul_Harts @jwz @nilesh But even if it were true, they would charge you and still sell your data which would double their profits. It's win win! (where Google wins twice)

Paul in de Emiraten

@PossiblyMax @jwz @nilesh I see your point. And to answer your question I distrust them less than I used to do but still avoid them when I can. Unfortunately Maps of Apple is no use at all in the Emirates.


@Paul_Harts @jwz @nilesh

You can't trust any word they say. Their business is to spy you. Nothing else.

Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC

@jwz @nilesh All companies either turn into monstrosities or vanish in the long run.


@LordCaramac @jwz @nilesh If they do neither they still endlessly struggle

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