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Easy tool to block entire sites like Quora, W3schools from #Google results:


Remember kids, there's a pernicious reason why #Google redirects "" to "".

Because of this redirect, the location permission that you grant to Google Maps also automatically becomes available to Google Search - making your search queries more valuable to advertisers.


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Patrick Pfeifer

@nilesh arrrg. Thanks for this!!!

I'm feeling really stupid that I haven't ever thought about that. I was wondering what the reason was many times.


@nilesh What about going to that URL incognito?

I just tried and there's a slight change: it asks for consent and then it asks if it can open the app.

So the moral of the story is never go to Google without a cloak?


@nilesh I only use Google Maps (*if* I use it - most times, I use openstreetmap) in the Private Browsing window. I am well aware that browser fingerprinting can still leak my browser identity but at least it makes it a bit harder - cookies are contained. Of course I do not use a Google account. @isotopp

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