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@Yeekasoose @nixCraft
No one wants to work for peanuts, you mean? There are plenty of people willing to work. They just don't want to starve while doing it.


@NoRezervationz @Yeekasoose @nixCraft NoRezervationz has the right of it. Worker's rights, wage prices, etc have all been going downhill for a long time now and a lot of people are finding that even working two jobs is tough to live on -- and then you basically have no life left for yourself because every waking minute is dedicated to your jobs and sleep (yes humans have to sleep!) Meanwhile for those peanuts they demand you work harder and harder until you're basically running out of breath.


@NoRezervationz @Yeekasoose @nixCraft Also add on COVID-19 to this. I realize a lot of people have decided it's "just the flu" or even "a Democrat hoax" but it's very very real, kills a lot of people, and, worse, even people with no symptoms initially often develop "long covid" after they've caught it enough times. Since it's basically 100% guaranteed you will catch it in most working conditions, it's a major problem. Also most jobs don't want someone with brain fog and exhaustion.

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