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nixCraft 🐧

lol. No wonder they don't find anyone to do cyber these days


@Yeekasoose @nixCraft
No one wants to work for peanuts, you mean? There are plenty of people willing to work. They just don't want to starve while doing it.


@NoRezervationz @Yeekasoose @nixCraft NoRezervationz has the right of it. Worker's rights, wage prices, etc have all been going downhill for a long time now and a lot of people are finding that even working two jobs is tough to live on -- and then you basically have no life left for yourself because every waking minute is dedicated to your jobs and sleep (yes humans have to sleep!) Meanwhile for those peanuts they demand you work harder and harder until you're basically running out of breath.


@NoRezervationz @Yeekasoose @nixCraft Also add on COVID-19 to this. I realize a lot of people have decided it's "just the flu" or even "a Democrat hoax" but it's very very real, kills a lot of people, and, worse, even people with no symptoms initially often develop "long covid" after they've caught it enough times. Since it's basically 100% guaranteed you will catch it in most working conditions, it's a major problem. Also most jobs don't want someone with brain fog and exhaustion.

Stefan Ritter :verified:

@nixCraft I have "3 years", but unfortunately I'm lacking "2 years". Too bad.


@nixCraft To be honest here in Europe I make $32 an hour for my main gig and would be massively overqualified for that possition.


@nixCraft It's interesting that they promise health insurance including vision and dental. I have a sneaking suspicion that at that price range they likely have people join up, get work done, then leave for something else.

Alda Vigdís :topspicy: 🇵🇸

@nixCraft At least they tell you in advance.

Few things compare to hearing "we're so happy to have you onboard, we've been looking for someone like you for almost 2 years" at the same meeting they tell you the salary range and you're supposed to sign the contract.

Michael Vilain

@nixCraft In California, it's a law to that employers and recruiters must disclose a salary range in a job listing. When I point this out to recruiters, I don't hear from them again. It's a great way to screen out job requirement emails from random recruiters.

I have no idea where this is located nor is there mention of remote vs. hybrid vs. on-site f2f. That role is less than a cage monkey in a datacenter. I hope the recruiter that has the role has 200 just like it and is struggling to fill them.


I guarantee this role has minimal automation and this position is just kicking off scans and doing audits and working tickets.

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