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nixCraft 🐧

If it makes you feel any better... nobody *actually* knows how to use Git. We all just memorize a few shell commands and hope nothing implodes. πŸ˜‰

Hugo ι›¨ζžœ

@nixCraft I consider myself someone who β€œunderstands git” and I still learn new commands every week and have heard of some that I’ve never even used nor read the man page:

Git is infinite. Understanding git is like understanding life. We think we do and immediately realise we understand nothing.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@whynothugo @nixCraft My favorite git experience is when I realized I was reading documentation I had written a decade previous. I was (ab)using word-diff-regex to get a char-diff.

As a previous contributor, I mostly understand git and the on-disk format of a repo, but I do still continue to learn more!


@nixCraft Extend that to the whole of IT, that's why there's documentation, in fact if you left someone in this industry without the internet and their documentation they wouldn't be able to do anything, that's why so many people say they don't know what they're doing :blobcatgiggle:.

Dimitris A. Nakos

I wonder if Linus knows how to use git πŸ€”πŸ˜‚


@nakdim @nixCraft

I propose submitting a patch that adds a command git interpret.

This command uses the current system time to look up a file, then feeds that file into an interpreter for a small functional language.

That way, we can ensure that nobody will ever understand the full implications of all git commands.


@nixCraft Once in a while someone figures it out, is immediately enlightened, and departs this vale of tears.

Waldinflesh thanks for the info. I thought I was the only one ​:leafeonflushed:​


I only manage not to make a complete hash of it by using Github Desktop.. (I know github has a poor rep now MS own it; I'd be quite happy to use other providers, even self hosting a server, but I have never managed to get to grips with the cli tools, and I'd rather spend what little spare time I have enjoying writing code than pulling my hair out learning git or some other tool. )


@nixCraft something something git reset β€”hard


@nixCraft This is interesting - I think there are probably fewer than a dozen commands I use frequently enough that I have them memorized.

My build system uses some arcane commands to automatically create version numbers based on how many commits are between HEAD and the first tag - no need to memorize, it's in the script ;-)

The only time you need to really get a manual out is when someone (maybe even you) has borked up a merge or rebase.


@nixCraft Just like C++. We all just use a few features (compared to the vast full feature set) and hope no need to learn more.


@nixCraft at the risk of breaking the rules by providing potentially useful information, @b0rk has tooted and blogged recently some git related stuff that helped me a whole lot.


@nixCraft *raises hand sheepishly* I, uh, sir… I know git.

Scott Jenson

@nixCraft I only use 4 Git commands:

git pull
git commit
git push
git reset --hard

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