I joined RU-Fediverse in autumn 2021 and I could not imagine that I will met with so many cool people in such short period of time.

We had meetings in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, we make streams on PeerTube and talk with each other, we had a big New Year party in Moscow, and we are planning to make a Xonotic tournament this month (not irl but whatever)!

I knew about fediverse a long time ago, but I thought that it's all aboard. I thought that fediverse and other cool and geeky stuff is not popular in post-USSR, but @drq proved me wrong!

I am very glad that I joined fediverse one day. I am very glad that I met you all. You guys changed my life in a good way! You are awesome! :ablobcatheart:

Thank you @drq for all what you are doing!

Also thanks to @a1ba @kafazen @vae @aurel1on_sol @horhik @holystubofcheese @vseg0lish and many other i forgor to mention (I can make this list very big)
You all making RU Fedi a good place :BigBlobhajHug: