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Victoria In this universe, printers are alive and can get sick and have tummy aches and even vomit a little.

augmented jungle reminds me of an image of an electrical box that had char everywhere except for a pair of footsteps

Ada :v_trans: :v_pan:​

@ShadowJonathan whatever you do, do not let the printer smell fear.

Puniko đŸ˜ș :verifiedsabakan: :nkoWoozy: ​:neocat_lul:​ oh hey, a printer that finally works as intended


@ShadowJonathan "What happened? --Maintenance box blew up."

Kira :p_a: :p_p: :pan_pot: Worst part is i have had this thing happen just with cyan toner.
Looked like i had a fight with a smurf in the copy room!


@ShadowJonathan This brings back some horrible memories

mushroom 🍄
@ShadowJonathan toner powder is a little less worst than asbestos, poor worker lungs :(
Chris Jolly Holcomb

@ShadowJonathan two levels later you encounter an absolutely ink covered NPC, but only on the front.

Bob Blaskiewicz


Did the copier go through the wash? Check your pockets, people!

Matthew M :risc_os_verified:

@ShadowJonathan Xenox Photocopier? It's giving me those vibes! 😆

Markus Gerstel :v8rified:

@ShadowJonathan guy with black powdered shoes: "Look, we're all trying to find the guy who did this"

larrybiggs :verified:

@ShadowJonathan related to a Spinal Tap drummer maybe? fast forward to 1:30 (link is to a section of the Spinal Tap movie about their drummers and mysterious deaths)


@ShadowJonathan Long ago, I literally screamed at a colleague who was trying to refill copier toner by prying open a toner container and POURING it into the receptacle while the stuff got everywhere, and IGNORING THE INSTRUCTIONS that clearly showed how you were supposed to attach the container to the receptacle...

Toner was everywhere. It was all over him. He had to leave because he was too filthy. He couldn't explain why he didn't read the directions WHICH WERE PRINTED ON THE MACHINE.

The brass at the office started to scold me for unloading on him...until they saw the mess he created that I had to spend the rest of the day clearing up. He was barred from ever having anything to do with toner ever again. He was sharp and smart in some ways...but was an astonishing lummox when it came to anything doing with technology, or something requiring reading instructions.

@ShadowJonathan Long ago, I literally screamed at a colleague who was trying to refill copier toner by prying open a toner container and POURING it into the receptacle while the stuff got everywhere, and IGNORING THE INSTRUCTIONS that clearly showed how you were supposed to attach the container to the receptacle...


@ShadowJonathan "How to reduce your carbon footprint."

Stephen :verified_gay:

@ShadowJonathan A picture tells a thousand words, and I'm certain ALL of them were profanity

Tim Lavoie

@ShadowJonathan This year's Tiktok "Cinnamon challenge" was going very poorly.


@ShadowJonathan someone got a jump on their new years resolution to get toned


@ShadowJonathan so I work for a company that sells and services these type of devices. That is actually 'toner' that is everywhere. And I can tell you, that I really hope they didn't try to clean it up with water first. Makes more of a muddy mess.

The poor person that was standing there just ruined their clothes though. That stuff will not wash out!


@ShadowJonathan @stavvers There's a suspicious lack of footprints walking *away* from this catastrophe.


@ShadowJonathan been there!

Beware the urge to fire up the vacuum to clean up!



@ShadowJonathan ...and then, they ascended to IT heaven. A bit sus that there is absolutely no footprints next to the void ones, I think... :blobcatcoffee: still funny though


@ShadowJonathan Chester Carlson's first wife Elsa, proposed an enhancement to his new copier invention. Any attempt by the operator to make a copy of their genitalia would result in them being instantly vaporized. They divorced a few years later.

Estarriol, Cat owned Dragon

@ShadowJonathan I half expected to see a cats pawprint as well in the toner.


@ShadowJonathan That would be funny AF, if it were not for the fact that toner is carcinogenic... :|

Also, how TF do you manage to explode a toner cartridge? O_o



Spontaneous Human Combustion is sad to see


@ShadowJonathan when the alt text says ink even though that's clearly toner... :taz_laugh:

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