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argv minus one

@walter4096 @chrisisgr8

Lovely. The idiot politicians are once again trying to make math illegal.

Yeah, AI has a serious copyright issue, namely that using it to generate copyrightable works for you will eventually get you sued. “This is totally not a derivative work; look how many if statements I laundered it through” isn't gonna fly in court. No need to make AI illegal over copyright; infringing copyright with it is already illegal.


@argv_minus_one @chrisisgr8

right the copyright thing is ambiguous.
There's copyright vs Fair Use & derived works.

A lot of art is derived , e.g. darth vader = samuri+respirator +cape , star wars=flash gordon X hidden fortress, xwing=dragster X dart etc

The specific config is copyright ..but what if training is extracting the remixable components.

I can draw an X-wing but can't sell that(fine by me).
if we distribute a net with concepts we already have in our heads, is that really different

@argv_minus_one @chrisisgr8

right the copyright thing is ambiguous.
There's copyright vs Fair Use & derived works.

A lot of art is derived , e.g. darth vader = samuri+respirator +cape , star wars=flash gordon X hidden fortress, xwing=dragster X dart etc

The specific config is copyright ..but what if training is extracting the remixable components.


@argv_minus_one @chrisisgr8

AI opponents say AI is just compression . in some ways it is, but at such extreme levels, to me it's qualitatively different.

stable diffusion = 2billion images -> 4gb , just 2 bytes per image

gen. video shows it really must be applying learned rules,way beyond 'collage'.

it gets hands wrong because its generating (with mistakes), not cut-pasting compressed source.


@argv_minus_one @chrisisgr8

i am sensitive to the artists concerns but if they acheive regulatory capture of AI models, the result is that Disney will have image & video generators trained on 100 years of IP whilst individual artists are left behind.

gen AI doesn't obsolete artistic skill. you still need design sense to use them well. real artists will be able to storyboard their own generated films etc.

I want everyone to have these abilities on their own PC

argv minus one

@walter4096 @chrisisgr8

Right you are. Whatever harms AI may cause will only be amplified if megacorporations can use it and the rest of us can't.

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