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Dan Jacob

It's interesting *why* the VCs are becoming ever more right wing and "anti-woke". Partially it's because they live in a bubble and breathe each others' farts, but it's also the realisation that the easy gains of the early 2000s internet are gone, the easy money is no longer there, and they need an authoritarian government to enforce the monopolisation, surveillance, tax avoidance and regulatory capture to keep them rich in perpetuity.

64 Islands Airship Co-op

@danjac or in other words, none of the VCs are as smart and innovative as they think they are, and now we’re stuck paying for all the nice things we’ll never have

Dan Jacob

@airshipper VC originally was for the risky, long-term bets that traditional banks wouldn't touch (e.g transistors).

The cheap money pumped into the economy inflated this sector and gave the players a false sense of their own importance and vision. On its own, not a big deal, but their unprofitable startups had an adverse effect on the real economy, disrupting local businesses and communities.

JW prince of CPH

@danjac Enshittification, but for society itself. Not even remotely kidding.

Dan Jacob

@jwcph exactly. Some might be fash-curious (e.g. Peter Thiel) but they absolutely fear a union-friendly, trust-busting US government. In that sense they are similar to the businessmen in the 1930s who plotted a coup against Roosevelt.

Dan Jacob

@jwcph the above comment of course doesn't just apply specifically to VCs but other industries e.g. fossil fuels. But leaders in those other industries are just more subtle and prefer to fund think tanks, media outlets & politicians to do the talking, rather than run their own unhinged podcasts and Substacks.


@danjac Take the privileged their privileges and they’ll go berserk.

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