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Alex Schroeder

After switching to Debian 12, it turns out that weasyprint no longer hyphenates my PDFs. How annoying. I installed weasyprint via apt; I see the pyphen is installed as well. I wonder what this is all about.

Alex Schroeder

Well, pip3 and pipx can't install a different version of weasyprint because "pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available." This is not great. What's the point of having a pip without SSL? And answers on StackExchange make me think that perhaps I have to compile something something bla? Oh no…

Alex Schroeder

Back on track! German hyphenation is a go! And you'll be pleased to note that my test PDF consists of the sentence "Ich bin ein Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitän." Or something like it.

Alex Schroeder

I documented my Markdown → HTML + CSS → PDF pipeline without hiding the ugly parts of it: breaking ligatures is necessary in German requires extra processing; adding an index requires extra processing… I mean, it's great if you want to write a bunch of tiny Perl scripts. But really… do you? Or rather: would you rather like to learn Perl or TeX? 🥶 ❓🤷❓ 🥵

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