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Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

Alan Wake 2 is an amazing game

please go play it, also play the original if you have the time, and Control, they're all incredibly good games

Alan Wake 2 has taken more time than i remember, it has had spinoff small games, some teasers, gameplay videos of experiments, everything, scrapped and redone, and they have fucking delivered

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.", this is the fucking example of that

Kris :v_bi: :v_amam:

@ShadowJonathan will do, but am poor

also i need a refresher on what happened in the 1st one, i barely remember

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@endali me too, but it doesnt seem to matter much, since this game explains a bunch of things again

Kris :v_bi: :v_amam:

@ShadowJonathan :meowHuggies:​

will wait a bit before playing it still

i have to finish my 2nd BG3 playthrough and then do a 3rd one :3 :neocat_3c:​


@ShadowJonathan Everything you write makes me want to play this game (except for Epic and the hardware requirements).

I should resume playing the first one (probably a new playthrough as I have forgotten when I played it) and reinstall Control after I free some disk space on the Steam Deck (likely by completing big games).

Some other games might be both delayed and rushed.

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