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Richard MacManus

This sounds pretty awesome, especially compared to the X drought and Threads reticence to support publishers -> “Mozilla aims to convince publishers that Mastodon isn’t just another place they have to support, but one that could deliver on their objectives. As it learns from the publishers and other content creators what they want and need, it then intends to use that understanding to build features and drive efforts that can help them reach their audiences.”

Richard MacManus

Also liked this bit: “the company is using a forked version of Elk as its alternative web client for its Mastodon server, which is what gives it its slick look and feel”

Bill Seitz

@ricmac the problem with "supporting publishers" is when it turns into "support engagement growth to support the advertising model"

Richard MacManus

@billseitz no they specifically said they won’t do that in the article. As it’s Mozilla, I actually believe them.

Richard MacManus

@billseitz the problem these days for indie media is indeed lack of engagement, but there are alternative business models now: subscriptions perhaps the most promising, although also extremely difficult to pull off. But we need at least one social media platform that doesn’t explicitly hate media (or at least I need that).

Jon Mitchell

@ricmac Thank God a somewhat moneyed organization with a communications department has decided to do the legwork on this

Richard MacManus

@ablaze Right? Also, this might make me go back to Firefox! So I would hope it’ll be a win-win.

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