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Low Quality Facts

I've received a few requests for more cat pictures, so here's Fishy being a chubby little gnome.

Me in a purple tshirt holding my black and white tuxedo cat, who looks rather round at this angle.


He seems very polite and well-mannered. Of course, it could just be the tuxedo he's wearing.

Pizza Terrorist
@lowqualityfacts don't post pictures of yourself I hate being reminded every white man looks like me

@lowqualityfacts this is quality chonk kitty content that I crave ty

Ruami Grey


Fishy looks like quite the character!

Judy Olo

Just look at that belly! 💘💘💕💕😊💘

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

🥥 Fat tuxedo cats, like Fishy, are among the best kinds of cats. What a handsome and well-dressed fellow!
And what a great name for a cat! 🥥🥥


@lowqualityfacts please tell Fishy I love him and his chonky belly


@lowqualityfacts 😂 "chubby" is a bit cheeky but you're right, he does look like a gnome! I think it's the beard.


@lowqualityfacts Just read the post again. You're not the cat. Disappointed.

Anyway, he's a cute cat. This account now has pretty much everything I need from the Internet.


@lowqualityfacts low quality in the facts, high quality with the cats.

Hip Priest

@lowqualityfacts I remember having to put our tux cat on a diet... She wasn't so happy and went begging the neighbours for food. Hard to do the starvation act when you're blatantly not starving... but our neighbors are suckers


@lowqualityfacts The trouble with tuxedos is that you know they are judging you :)


@lowqualityfacts the man behind the posts that make you know more, guys


@lowqualityfacts Fishy looks a bit like they're a bit done with your s**t 😝

Still, lovely looking cat, which I assume is only on picture, because otherwise it's a menace, right?

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