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Doctor Popular

It's been 14 years since I drew this "Reverse-Trick-Or-Treating" comic.
It was based on a true story I found in a comment on Metafilter and is likely the most-viewed comic I've ever made.

Niclas Hedhman


Trick/treat and Halloween in general is a new thing in Sweden. And there seems to be a convention that if you are prepared for kids coming, you put up a tag on the door indicating it.

My friend (64 years old) thought it would be a "trick" to put such tags on all the doors in the neighborhood... (No info on the results)



@niclas @jank0 @docpop If the neighborhood kids want some tips from an American on how to properly egg and/or TP a house, I'm happy to do a Zoom call…


@docpop I loved that story, and I loved your comic!

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