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Doctor Popular

It's been 14 years since I drew this "Reverse-Trick-Or-Treating" comic.
It was based on a true story I found in a comment on Metafilter and is likely the most-viewed comic I've ever made.

An 8 panel comic. The title says "The Most Amazing Halloween Costume Ever based on a story by np312 art by Doctor Popular"
The first panel shows a kid dressed up as Spock and sitting on a couch in his home when the doorbell rings. 
The text says "One Halloween our doorbell rang". 
The next panel shows him opening the door, expecting to see trick or treaters. 
The next panel reveals a door on the other side of the kid's door. A sign says "Please knock". 
The kid knocks twice on this pop-up door and then it opens, revealing a bunch of college dudes dressed as really old grandmothers. 
"Oh my, look at your costumes" one of the grandmas says as they pinc the face of the the young kid. The grandmother adds, "Such cute trick or treaters" before handing the kid some candy. 
The college kids then close their door, pick it up, and move it to the next house leaving the young Spock in shock at what just happened.
Niclas Hedhman


Trick/treat and Halloween in general is a new thing in Sweden. And there seems to be a convention that if you are prepared for kids coming, you put up a tag on the door indicating it.

My friend (64 years old) thought it would be a "trick" to put such tags on all the doors in the neighborhood... (No info on the results)


xek (👻🏴‍☠️👻)

@niclas @jank0 @docpop If the neighborhood kids want some tips from an American on how to properly egg and/or TP a house, I'm happy to do a Zoom call…


@docpop I loved that story, and I loved your comic!

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