Quick tip on how to manage #SQLite databases in #Git.
This is post 084 of #100DaysToOffload.
Quick tip on how to manage #SQLite databases in #Git. https://garrit.xyz/posts/2023-11-01-tracking-sqlite-database-changes-in-git This is post 084 of #100DaysToOffload. 7 comments
@garritfra interesting. I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to store the actual dumps in clear text. @fedops probably possible with pre-commit scripts. 🤔 Not a bad idea, now that you mention it. I was using the XML format for GnuCash at first with the same intention, but I found it tricky to work with. @garritfra I use something similar to automatically track changes on my blog in a Git repository. But with your tip, I should be able to improve it a bit. |
Apparently, someone already posted this on HackerNews minutes after I published it. 😅
#RSS for the win?