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Alex Schroeder

I just listened to that podcast episode where @sarahtaber talks with @pluralistic about the commonalities of agriculture history and computing history, seizing the means of production and computation, system change, and the fact that neither doing it all yourself nor voting with your wallet are meaningful options. The system needs to change.

Farm to Taber episode:

1 comment
Alex Schroeder

Moving on to another episode of @sarahtaber’s podcast, this time about food supply logistics. I liked this passage, copied from the transcript.

“I appreciate automation and I appreciate scale. That's what makes automation possible. I don't think humans were made to just like stoop over in the field 12 hours a day. I feel like we're alive for other reasons than that. So, automation to me and scale are beautiful things. It's just that us as a society, we have not figured out how to do them in a way that's not, like, not run by rent extractors. And I feel like scale itself gets blamed for a lot of things that rent extractors will do even if they don't have scale.”

Moving on to another episode of @sarahtaber’s podcast, this time about food supply logistics. I liked this passage, copied from the transcript.

“I appreciate automation and I appreciate scale. That's what makes automation possible. I don't think humans were made to just like stoop over in the field 12 hours a day. I feel like we're alive for other reasons than that. So, automation to me and scale are beautiful things. It's just that us as a society, we have not figured out how to do them in a way...

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