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@Sim0n @evacide The moon? Can't think when that ever would've been helpful.


@CStamp @Sim0n I suspect that Simon has never had to keep track of his period.

Simon :verified:

@evacide @CStamp that’s a fair assumption but it does segue nicely into a little story about the oldest calendar found by archaeologists which is basically 28 notches in a bit of wood. Historians (mostly men) assumed it was associated with some sort of moon worship however there is another reason why some primitive humans may have wanted to track a 28 day cycle


@Sim0n @CStamp I am also familiar with the work of Margaret Mead, yes.

Simon :verified:

Claudia Zaslavsky and the Ishango bone if y’all are interested.


@Sim0n @evacide "a new study found only 13 percent of women have a 28-day cycle" and many don't even have regular X number of days.

Male historians have been making a lot of assumptions based on their lack of understanding and pre-concieved biases, such as now we are learning that those women who were buried with hunting gear actually were hunters.


@Sim0n @evacide Even women have a lot of misconceptions about our bodies, as teaching kids about their bodies doesn't seem to be a priority in many places.

Simon :verified:

@CStamp @evacide I used to be able to set my watch by my wife’s cycle, which is why we have three children almost exactly three years apart as we planned. She is now getting a little more variable as things change


@Sim0n This doesn't qualify you to speak about women in general.


@CStamp @Sim0n @evacide THIS👆🏼

My cycle was so regular I could tell you which day of the month it would start.

HOWEVER, as I got older, over 40, that lengthened. It became 30 days, than 32, than 33, and so on until I hit menopause.

More people need to learn this stuff.


@Sim0n @evacide That's using a stick, not the moon. Also, stick to subjects you know something about.

Matt Blaze

@CStamp @Sim0n @evacide the moon provides useful illumination for reading your written calendar at night. You’re welcome.


@Sim0n @CStamp @evacide Experience showed that this is working perfectly well when not on hormone based contraceptives.

Berg Am Laimerin

@nyx @Sim0n @CStamp @evacide
Experience showed that you can have an rather irregular cycle *without* ever have taken hormone based contraceptives.

Berg Am Laimerin

@nyx @Sim0n @CStamp @evacide
And tracking something between 4 and 6 weeks with help of the moon? Don't tell my younger self, she would have reacted aggressively...


@bergamlaimerin @nyx @Sim0n @evacide Hormone-based contraceptives generally make periods predictable, which is one of many reasons some women like to used them.


@Sim0n @CStamp @evacide WTAF, dude. If I had a perfect 28-day cycle for 420 months in a row, give or take a few years, I wouldn't need to fucking track it, would I?!

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