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If you have a uterus and you live in the UK, it's time to update your threat model to include police testing you for the presence of abortion meds and requesting data from period-tracking apps:

Mark Wyner :vm:

@evacide that’s some absolute fuckery right there.


@SocialistStan @evacide Shit. Most of America anymore! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


@evacide I mean no disrespect when I say that I clicked through doubting that your summary could be fully accurate. This is appalling.


@evacide What the - and I ask this MOST strongly - Actual. Fuck? I now have The Rage.


@evacide Wait, what the fuck, why would they do that in the UK. Abortion after the legal limit there ?

Ben A L Jemmett

@Sobex @evacide Exactly - there have been a number of prosecutions for that recently, when I don't recall ever having heard of many in the past. Grim stuff.


@evacide Wow.

Women, time to go back to paper calendars.

Matteꙮ Italia

@CStamp @evacide I think this is one of those cases where it's fundamental to use stuff that is open and that stores data strictly on your device. We use Periodical (, which is a bit barebones but does the job; Drip ( also is open and all-local and seems to be the much more refined, but we never tried it.


@cvtsi2sd @evacide I've never understood using an app for stuff like that, and these days, it seems dangerous in some countries. If folk feed the need, learning to be safe with it is important.

Erotic Mythology (hire me) 💖

@cvtsi2sd @CStamp @evacide There is also Euki, which has a feature where it shows fake data when you enter the code 0000 to unlock.


@cvtsi2sd @evacide There's this thing called a calendar. You mark it with a pen. Nobody raids it.


@CStamp @evacide I had my daughter go back to paper. We are in Florida


@Sim0n @evacide The moon? Can't think when that ever would've been helpful.


@CStamp @Sim0n I suspect that Simon has never had to keep track of his period.

Simon :verified:

@evacide @CStamp that’s a fair assumption but it does segue nicely into a little story about the oldest calendar found by archaeologists which is basically 28 notches in a bit of wood. Historians (mostly men) assumed it was associated with some sort of moon worship however there is another reason why some primitive humans may have wanted to track a 28 day cycle


@Sim0n @CStamp I am also familiar with the work of Margaret Mead, yes.

Simon :verified:

Claudia Zaslavsky and the Ishango bone if y’all are interested.


@Sim0n @evacide "a new study found only 13 percent of women have a 28-day cycle" and many don't even have regular X number of days.

Male historians have been making a lot of assumptions based on their lack of understanding and pre-concieved biases, such as now we are learning that those women who were buried with hunting gear actually were hunters.


@Sim0n @evacide Even women have a lot of misconceptions about our bodies, as teaching kids about their bodies doesn't seem to be a priority in many places.

Simon :verified:

@CStamp @evacide I used to be able to set my watch by my wife’s cycle, which is why we have three children almost exactly three years apart as we planned. She is now getting a little more variable as things change


@Sim0n This doesn't qualify you to speak about women in general.


@CStamp @Sim0n @evacide THIS👆🏼

My cycle was so regular I could tell you which day of the month it would start.

HOWEVER, as I got older, over 40, that lengthened. It became 30 days, than 32, than 33, and so on until I hit menopause.

More people need to learn this stuff.


@Sim0n @evacide That's using a stick, not the moon. Also, stick to subjects you know something about.

Matt Blaze

@CStamp @Sim0n @evacide the moon provides useful illumination for reading your written calendar at night. You’re welcome.


@Sim0n @CStamp @evacide Experience showed that this is working perfectly well when not on hormone based contraceptives.

Berg Am Laimerin

@nyx @Sim0n @CStamp @evacide
Experience showed that you can have an rather irregular cycle *without* ever have taken hormone based contraceptives.

Berg Am Laimerin

@nyx @Sim0n @CStamp @evacide
And tracking something between 4 and 6 weeks with help of the moon? Don't tell my younger self, she would have reacted aggressively...


@bergamlaimerin @nyx @Sim0n @evacide Hormone-based contraceptives generally make periods predictable, which is one of many reasons some women like to used them.


@Sim0n @CStamp @evacide WTAF, dude. If I had a perfect 28-day cycle for 420 months in a row, give or take a few years, I wouldn't need to fucking track it, would I?!


@evacide Someone really needs to make the UK government understand that 1984 was a cautionary tale, not aspirational.

Steve Bellovin

@evacide I'd have bet that Texas and Florida would be the first to do that. This is beyond appalling.

Alexandra Lanes
@SteveBellovin AIUI searches are more regulated in the US than England.

@evacide I guess I wasn't aware of this it was happening in the United Kingdom as well as America. The entire world has gone authoritarian


@ShadowLibra1017 @evacide when referring to police in America you have to remember that there are 10 of thousands of little fiefdoms any one of which in any little town can choose to gather whatever evidence they want in whatever way they want, this is very different that in the U.K.
So, drive through the wrong town in the wrong state and get stopped for a "moving violation" can very easily lead to this threat to freedom and liberty.

Callum Foster

@evacide this is equal parts horrifying and unsurprising.

Mike Knell

@evacide Weird how the police keep saying they’re so busy and understaffed that they’re not going to attend mental health crisis calls any more, yet they have time for stuff like this.


@evacide why? is abortion not legal over there?



So traveling women need to worry they get netted in this?



This is why I will never change my stance on abortion: it should be legal in all circumstances, up to birth. Anything else allows this kind of thing to happen.


There was a reply to my post above that was deleted after I posted my response to it.

It asked if I had thought it through and offered the "one day from birth" case as counter example.

Because of the reply's deletion, my response to it was disconnected from the chain. So I am linking to my response below.


@evacide I admit I assumed this would be about Northern Ireland, but now I read the comments too it seems like people aren't aware abortion is essentially illegal in NI which is part of the UK.
So I can use this comment to say it's even worse than the article suggests.

Steve Kaye

@aliengasmask @evacide I think that it’s now legal in Northern Ireland up to 12 weeks or longer for specific medical reasons.


@stevekaye it's confusing , I'm not aware of how things have gone after this BBC timeline stops. Perhaps this law has been implemented now.

Steve Kaye

@aliengasmask it almost seems like “confusing” might be part of the plan

Alexandra Celeste


Throwback to that time the UK government said "Abortion is a settled issue" and refused to make it a legal right.

Simon :verified:

@evacide all suspected male rapists should have their internet history searched and their bed sheets swabbed for signs of masturbation - it’s only fair…

Canadian Crone

@evacide it’s time for patriarchal intrusion and control over women’s lives to get booted to the curb. #EnoughIsEnough Matriarchal power must be restored. We are not the property of anyone.

David Penfold :verified:


"Last month, the fifth woman this year appeared in an English court charged under Section 58, compared with only three previous prosecutions in the past 160 years."

What?! The world is getting more sinister by the day.


@evacide That's a search. In the US there is supposed to be evidence of a crime presented to a judge in order to request a search. Let's hope we can hold on to that.


@evacide can see why other more important crimes are running rampant when police are investigating women who miscarriage...

What a fucking waste of police resources.
We have burglaries, theft, assault and hate crimes at a high but police claiming their hands are tied with a lack of funding yet here we are.



@evacide they're fascists. Imported from the shitty US Repugnants. Vote the Tories out.


@evacide What the unholy fuck is going on over there. How did they...oh right the brexit retards forced the vote to the right. damn. good luck Ladies. <3


@evacide if they sre brazen enough to do this today, think about what they can do in ten years time.

Now is the time to call them out before it’s too late!


@evacide Tortoise media! Love their works.


@evacide @evacide what a load of crap. For starters there isn’t such thing a British Police Force. There isn’t a single legal jurisdiction either. Who writes this crap?

Pinky La La

I cannot believe (yes I can) that frikken reply-guys have the nerve to comment in a thread about women and menstruation. Just gtfo of everything 😡

Sophia The Evil Gnome ✔

@evacide "We suspect, that you could be a woman. That is punishable by law." No. To soon ."We would like to take some of your time, to show you, that you have no right for privacy, that we can ask you to stop anytime, because, you look like a woman. It makes you seem suspicious. We would like to play with your mind, make you fell suppressed, helpless and bad about what you are." No. To obvious. "Please hold your car. We suspect, that you plan to have an abortion. Could you show us...."


@evacide The Handmaid's Tale was apparently an instruction manual.


@evacide Well this is shocking. When will the law start protecting pregnant people? Also, period tracking apps - get in the bin.


@evacide Seems not only Amer. and the Brits, but also the world is heading BACK to the “Dark Ages”. What the HELL is the driving force behind this archaic behavior ?!

Sophia The Evil Gnome ✔

@evacide That's sad. I dreamed about visiting again and maybe even moving there, for a long time now. But the place doesn't exactly seem to change for the better. It seems, that I would like to stay away, because I am a woman.

Sophia The Evil Gnome ✔

@evacide Oh helpless me! I don't know, how to be a woman. If only I would have a man to tell me to just "use the moon" there would be no patriarchy, no sexism anymore.

Orca🌻 | 🏴🏳️‍⚧️
Euki doesn't upload user's health information to the server, it stores health information locally.
It even includes a duress password (though it's predefined and not modifiable, which limits its usefulness).

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