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Alex Schroeder

"The relationship between digital multinational corporations and the population is akin to that of feudal lords and serfs, and their productive behavior is more akin to feudal predation than capitalist competition."
– Cédric Durand, Technoféodalisme. Critique de l’économie numérique

As cited by Jordi Inglada in "Use ChatGPT and feed the technofeudal beast"

As linked to by Garjola Dindi in "AI assistants in Emacs. Don't use ChatGPT. Help Open Science."

As boosted by @vedathallac from Planet Emacslife, a blog aggregator for Emacs people.

The original is in French and not available for free so I did not verify it. There's a French review by Yannick Fondeur that points towards potential ways out, like mandated interoperability.

"Au-delà du capitalisme numérique, Cédric Durand n’évoque aucune dynamique alternative, comme si le numérique impliquait nécessairement une économie de prédation. On regrettera aussi que certaines dimensions des phénomènes de plateformisation n’aient pas davantage été explorées, en particulier la question de l’interopérabilité."

Anyway. It was an interesting read. My main takeaway is me pondering the role of paywalls in the development of humanity. 💰💩

1 comment
Michael Piotrowski

@alex Jordi Inglada cites from a paywalled article about Durand's book. However, the book itself is freely available from the publisher: (button “LIRE LE LYBER”).

Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

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