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I've created columns with selected members in them. 'Lists' seems an extra step since they can also only include followed members. Saves having to repeat aggregating members at time of each column creation. Can lists created by other members be copied and used (with non-followed members not displayed until followed)?

Nafeon :verified_solarpunk:

@Silversalty @Mastodon someone pointed me today, that you can exclude users in a list from being shown in the homefeed which helps a bit. You still have to follow, but you don't have to see the content always.


@NafiTheBear @Mastodon
On Xhitter I follow other members lists. One a newsperson. It includes wide ranging views, some of which I would not follow. I do sometimes respond, though w/o beligerence. Getting differing views seems of value though if the goal is a place with little controversy that might not be wanted.

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