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Low Quality Facts

Some people have seemed confused about what my Low Quality Facts account is, so I made this graph to help you all understand it.


@lowqualityfacts Of course, I already knew this, but it's nice to see it laid out so clearly.


@floatybirb @lowqualityfacts This, of course, is what we call Russia - Belarus nowadays...

Probably the most clever thing I will ever post. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Harry Tuttle, heating engineer

@lowqualityfacts vertical scale is exaggerated because it’s logarithmic


@lowqualityfacts This has expanded my understanding of your account exponentially.


@lowqualityfacts I’m assuming that’s on a log-log scale?

The Randomiser Podcast

@lowqualityfacts Ah yes! Now it’s very clear. The arrow of truth passes *between* the two facts. Nasty barbed arrowhead represents the difficulty of pulling out the truth arrow once it has clever avoided the facts and struck you!
If only all graphical communication was so clear!



Thank you for a perfect explanation


@lowqualityfacts That's just a diagram showing where two train tracks collide ;D


@lowqualityfacts it looks like a tv antenna that fell off the roof around 1972


@lowqualityfacts There's always a Group Of People who resist facts.


Should bei the same in three dimensions...


Wow. But I still don't understand why has the z-Axis has no scale? 😜

Arnan de Gans

@lowqualityfacts looks to me.
I’m having a similar issue with my ‘worthless plugin’ for WordPress, people don’t seem to get it and want me to add features to it.

Bryan Hansel

@lowqualityfacts clearly the facts grow in proportion to the facts

Raymond Russell

Excellent, makes sense to me.
However to eliminate any lingering doubts a Venn Diagram may help.

Carl Anthony

@lowqualityfacts I get it now. The diagonal line is the handle of a giant rake that is pushing facts around a Zen garden.


@lowqualityfacts my friend I had no idea you were a respected economist, that’s a top tier graph in economics.

Ben Taylor

@lowqualityfacts This graph is implausible. The r value is much too close to one to be believable.



I know you pride yourself on accuracy, so I took a closer look analyzing the numbers and re-graphed it for you.

Low Quality Facts

@roo_44 Thank you, this makes even more perfect sense to everyone now.

Aeáro, a SeaWyrm :elfstar:


Uhhhh... I'm still not sure I get it. Could you add another axis? Maybe that would help.


@SvenGeier @lowqualityfacts He said low QUALITY facts, not QUANTITY omg people

Pinus Banksiana :mastodon: 🪨

@SvenGeier @lowqualityfacts I think you may have forgotten the negative I front of the 2 to ensure the lowest of quality for the facts presented. Perhaps a negative tetration may enhance the lowness of the quality?!? [Just a thought]


@lowqualityfacts as the facts go up, the facts go up. that’s just a fact

Ross of Ottawa

@lowqualityfacts not wearing my glasses, so I'll assume that's "farts" on the vertical axis. Seems legit.


@ottaross @lowqualityfacts that's how I read it initially as well. And immediately thought the slope of the line was wrong 😄



If that doesn't clarify things, they aren't even trying to understand.

Jane C

@lowqualityfacts Do you do fact checking?
Did that Boris bloke really forget his password? How come he's remembered it now?

Daniel Rose

@PynkEmber @lowqualityfacts Oof. I didn’t even think about that. That makes so much sense.


@lowqualityfacts Misread that for a second as "farts per fart".

West Lawns

@lowqualityfacts i like the way the curve trends slightly downward as facts increase, is this due to their weight?


I'm sorry, but this line is a bit too steep for my low quality tastes. I may have to subscribe to someone who has a lower fact:fact ratio unless you can get these numbers under control. You understand how it is, old sport.

Brett Kosinski

@lowqualityfacts Still don't get it. Can I get this in the form of a 3D pie chart?

Leigh Silvester

If I can picky, the graph is missing a scale.

I'm assuming that the values on the axes are, well, low.

Baron Walschap

@lowqualityfacts It might be factual right, but correlation doesn't mean causation.


Unfair of you not to highlight that it's a log scale IMO.


@lowqualityfacts I really wish this was a graph of farts vs facts


You need a second account, high quality graphs!


@lowqualityfacts Is it a picture of a Venus fly trap that is spitting straight facts?


@lowqualityfacts Identity politics aren’t bad enough. Now we have identity graphics.

Justin Skists

@lowqualityfacts Does that mean you'll supply more facts if I fart more??

Justin Skists

@lowqualityfacts OK, I just admitted that I can't read axis labels. 🤪



There's facts and there are facts. You bring us the fact facts.

I, in fact, appreciate you. Factually speaking.

Now get the fact outta here and bring me some more fact facts.

Are you the factor or the factee?

No it's okay. I'll stop now.


@lowqualityfacts Can you help me with my calculus homework? TIA👍


@lowqualityfacts In the thumbnail, the Y axis looks like 'farts'.

Hotdog with 3 dabs of spooky

@lowqualityfacts the arrow points to the infinite void. Feels accurate, low quality. Fact.


@lowqualityfacts Needed my glasses to figure out that the x-axis wasn't "farts".


@lowqualityfacts this is a medium quality fact delete this immediately

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