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Chris Partridge

@GossiTheDog And this isn't a cache issue or anything, I've been trying to approve it all day. Mouse moves offscreen to hit refresh because apparently when I do a screen recording at 2am I forget what "F5" does.

Chris Partridge

@GossiTheDog For folks not familiar with Reddit's moderation tools (hopefully all of ye), here's how approving posts removed by Reddit's spam filter usually works. The filter's bad, but the approval is snappy and persists immediately. The post is absolutely being handled differently, so I'm wondering why.

Markus Unterwaditzer

@tweedge @GossiTheDog on r/hetzner it stays up because the URL is obfuscated:

OP is the author of the blogpost under a burner account, he seems to know very well that his domain is shadowbanned. seems to be like this for a while, according to post history of u/ValdikSS

Markus Unterwaditzer

@tweedge @GossiTheDog see also that burner accounts post history. nothing that account has posted has been censored, and it seems they have been posting 2 days ago as well.

manual intervention seems unlikely because the r/hetzner post was literally on the frontpage of hackernews and the post there is now up for quite a few hours. it's possible that at some point the blog domain was shitlisted due to "trust & safety"

Markus Unterwaditzer

@tweedge @GossiTheDog anyway, maybe all that is needed to have your post stay up is a link shortener?

Chris Partridge

@untitaker @GossiTheDog Thank you for for info! I hadn't looked at HN - interesting to see that some references to this are staying up if not linking directly.

I made a post on r/cybersecurity showing what's been going on and used links. Reddit's spam filter also initially removed my post but I think (?) it's staying up now. Hard to tell when your own post could be shadowbanned by design. :P

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