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Markus Unterwaditzer

@tweedge @GossiTheDog on r/hetzner it stays up because the URL is obfuscated:

OP is the author of the blogpost under a burner account, he seems to know very well that his domain is shadowbanned. seems to be like this for a while, according to post history of u/ValdikSS

Markus Unterwaditzer

@tweedge @GossiTheDog see also that burner accounts post history. nothing that account has posted has been censored, and it seems they have been posting 2 days ago as well.

manual intervention seems unlikely because the r/hetzner post was literally on the frontpage of hackernews and the post there is now up for quite a few hours. it's possible that at some point the blog domain was shitlisted due to "trust & safety"

Markus Unterwaditzer

@tweedge @GossiTheDog anyway, maybe all that is needed to have your post stay up is a link shortener?

Chris Partridge

@untitaker @GossiTheDog Thank you for for info! I hadn't looked at HN - interesting to see that some references to this are staying up if not linking directly.

I made a post on r/cybersecurity showing what's been going on and used links. Reddit's spam filter also initially removed my post but I think (?) it's staying up now. Hard to tell when your own post could be shadowbanned by design. :P

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