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Human 3500

@hopeward In using this feature but I can't quite grok the "show replies to" feature. Do you have any insight into what that does? It must be different that the posting option where we can restrict who can see your post.

David Hopeward

@human3500 I’m re-replying to this because I think that control just has to do with whether replies from other people (to a post in a list) are also visible to me within that list.

So the choices are:

I wanna see replies to these posts IF they’re from people I follow.

I don’t wanna see replies from anyone unless I’ve also placed them in this List.

I don’t wanna see any replies to these posts in this list at all.

David Hopeward

@human3500 Excellent! It was good for me to figure it out, too.

David Hopeward

@human3500 I was looking at the choices in the Ivory iPhone app… it’s clearer there. 🤷🏻‍♂️

David Tanner 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@hopeward @human3500 Its been available in Ivory for months. That’s why I was puzzled by the OP as it’s not a new thing for me.

Tina 💙🎶🌻

@human3500 @hopeward
Yeah, it should say "Show replies from" rather than "Show replies to." Is there a way to suggest that Mastodon change this to make it more understandable?

Tina 💙🎶🌻

@hopeward @human3500
Thank you -- I've been wondering about this.

jay 🌺:disabled_heart:

@human3500 that's the same setting you have on your home timeline.

Consider the following scenario: you follow both Ada and Belle. Belle replies to Ada. Belle is on your list. Do you want that reply to appear in the list?

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