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Marcos Dione

@scy yes, up the point which you want to update the data, and now you have to regenerate everything (the format is not updatable) and upload the whole beast in one go.


@mdione Regenerating everything doesn't seem that big of a deal, according to it takes 4 hours and $5 of cloud resources. Or you do it on your own hardware.

But maybe you won't have to, because you can just take the builds provided by Protomaps, download the slice you need, and be done. I've downloaded a cut-out of about ⅙ of Germany in 30 seconds and got a 500 MB file. That's _very_ manageable.


@scy Thanks, I was wondering how to do this. Very interesting.

Marcos Dione

@scy that's awesome, I didn't know. Except that you're dependent on their decision about at which zoom levels have what data. If you can live with that, it's great.

Jorge Sanz

@mdione @scy generating your own pmtiles file with planetiler (also from @protomaps) for a small country (say, Estonia) takes a couple minute or less.

The software takes the region name as a parameter, downloads a recent OSM export and generates the pmtiles file, all in a single step. And it supports OpenMapTiles and Shortbread schemas out of the box.

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