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The mainstream "tech" YouTubers and their consequences have been a disaster for my comment section.

Thanks to LTT and co. indiscriminately telling their viewers about how hard drives are "dead" and doing sponsored server builds with 16TB SSD arrays, I now have to endure at least one teenager with a Roblox pfp per week commenting "HDDs are dead lol, nobody should be using spinning rust! downvoted and unsubscribed" under my video.


@notthebee make a video comparing the two for different use cases? 🤔


@pavot I could summarize the use cases in one sentence, and so can anyone with access to Google. But you can't fix stupid

hermlon if at some point SSDs were cheaper than HDDs, would there still be use cases for HDDs? Sorry for being part of stupidâ„¢


@notthebee I don't this can be fixed until schools start teaching kids how to critically watch/listen/read media...


@notthebee These kids will foam out of their mouth when they learn that Magnetic Tape is still used for backups :neofox_devil:

Yonei :marisa_dance:
@notthebee For HDD's id agree, SSD's/NVM(e)'s produce much less e-waste and are generally safer.
Chris Cochrun ~ >

@notthebee lol. Kids these days. Don't let it get to you. Everyone feels the need to try and act smarter than others.

taco, bird/cat :verified420:

@notthebee one of your original homelab videos got me inspired to finally get jellyfin, *arr, and other self hosting projects going over here. don't get discouraged by the kids who don't know any better! you're doing a lot of awesome work. :blobfoxheart:

Evv1L (Эвил)

@notthebee HDD's are still good value if you want more storage capacity than r/w speed.

But, yea. Society.


@notthebee Actually rust centrifuges are obsolete for most people, then again most people probably ought to look into backing up there data...

That said I almost regret not buying two smaller SSDs instead of the 2x8TB for backup of the primary 2xnvme drives in the server.
They do use quite a bit more power and if my storage requirement doesn't balloon out of control....
(Yes I'm look at you "new" digital camera capable of high frame rate shooting and 4k video)


@notthebee "don't use VHS, betamax is the way" or "don't use simple DVDs or blurays, Disney hd DVD will win out". I only use my sdd to boot up the system it's not meant for long term storage.

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