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Garrit 🏡🛠️

Bypassing the new #YouTube adblock detection was as easy as clearing my uBlock filter list cache and hitting "refresh". 🙃


@garritfra I think when my Turkish YT Premium subscription expires, I will subscribe to German YT Premium (Google made subscribing in foreign countries harder). But for me it replaces any other music streaming service and Spotify for example is just 1€ less, so it's worth it to me. Also on mobile no more ads and the option to download videos.

Garrit 🏡🛠️

@jle Oh, I heard about that foreign youtube exploit. Despite being more difficult, is it still possible to get Premium from other countries?


@garritfra Yes. Check mydealz for the latest details. In Ukraine or some east Asian countries it still seems to work, but is more expensive than Turkey.

And with a YouTube brand account you can keep your watch history and subscriptions even with multiple Google accounts. 😅

Ricard Torres

@garritfra For now, it's going to be a challenge for the maintainers to keep up. I feel :youtube: YouTube will start pouring more resources into this.

Garrit 🏡🛠️

@ricard yeah, I think it will be a constant battle. I'm curious to see this evolve. 😅

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