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Maria Langer | πŸ›₯️ πŸ“ 🎬🚁

@KatM @NYSloth

Jeez Louise! Don't believe ANYTHING you read on social media. If you see a story that interests you, look for it on a reputable news site. If the story has a link on social media, don't click it unless you know that the linked source is reliable.

I believe 90% of what we read on social media is either completely false or misleading. That's why I filter out so many news topics; I learn about them directly from the news sources I trust β€” not from shared links to mystery sources.

1 comment
Kat ♾️

@mlanger Yes, and some are created just to be inflammatory on hot topics. They create otherwise respectable looking human profiles using stock images and give them jobs and titles. After a while on Twitter they created completely ridiculous user profiles, like @name0123456789 with MAGA backgrounds and stock head shots. Turns out, they were posting from troll farms in other countries, like Russia. They convinced lots of people there was a 1950s 'retro conservative' movement brewing in the US.

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