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Kat ♾️

So get this... after I posted this 👆 today, I started getting followed by a bunch of accounts that launched this week and have 0 followers/0 following with 0 info on their profiles. No avatar. Just ghost accounts. 👻

Kat ♾️

@philip_cardella No kidding! I may have to secure my account for a few weeks, go through my follower list and purge suspicious accounts.

Francisca Sinn

@KatM @philip_cardella I block so much more quickly than I did on the other site, and I use the “notes” option for accounts I haven’t blocked yet but am suspicious/ wary of so that if they come up again I know what the issue was previously.

Kat ♾️

@fsinn That's a really good idea, Francisca. I'm going to borrow that.

Francisca Sinn

@KatM It’s a great feature. Mine are things like “argumentative, says no point in voting dems same as reps”


Kat ♾️

@fsinn Mine will likely note things like, "Know-it-all reply guy who hates to be fact-checked." ;-)


Kat ♾️

@fsinn Hahaha! Yeah, maybe I should just use an emoji that references that notation. 🗣️



@KatM What do you suppose triggered that? How odd. I've had a few of those, but since I rarely check follows, I don't get to see what set them off.

Kat ♾️

@thepoliticalcat I hashtagged Mastodon in my post. So it could be coming from bots and trolls using that hashtag.


@KatM Oh, definitely. There are already bots and trolls running attacks over here. Nowhere near as many as Xitter, tho. You might want to block the entire server they're on. They usually seem to share a server instance.



Probably horndogs newly off the Twitter boat. OR horny bots thrown out of the Twitter boat b/c of the EU.

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