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verbrecher ☑️

@nixCraft , @claushoumann I’m a music narcoman (addicted absolutely) I can’t work sometime without music. I can’t relax good without music.

Is there any other way to keep this place without adds and in the same time to avoid paid plans? 👀

This is a misbehavior to the users because they are stuffing with a lot of adv. , sometime show up to 3 even 4. And some adds are so stupid and nobody cares them. For example, farm games.. the hell. Who wants to hear/see this?

1 comment
Bruno Miguel

@verbrecher I have this in "My filters" tab in uBlock Origin and it's working, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)

But you can also use Invidious or Piped, or a (CLI) client like pipe-viewer

@nixCraft @claushoumann

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