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nixCraft 🐧

For those asking, I logged into my YouTube premium for ad-free access, yet I'm getting 10-20% of ads blocked and another time popup asking to turn off the Ad blocker. LOL. I don't know why Google thinks it is necessary to show Ads in paid options. Tracking never stops. Original thread: This is why I have trust issues with Google, Microsoft, Apple, and other companies. Their constant display of ads or tracking your every movement is beyond greedy.


@nixCraft ah, this looks like Spectacle annotations 🧐


@nixCraft uBlock might be blocking other things besides ads

NK30 :arch: :verified_root:

@nixCraft I never had youtube complaining about adblock+ in combination with ghostery.

karebu uBlock Origin is a content blocker, not an ad blocker. It'll block anything on the block lists so that typically includes tracking and analytics aside from ads. It really depends on what lists you have enabled.

spv :verified:

@nixCraft wait like banner ads? or are those tracking things that don't display visible ads?

verbrecher ☑️

@nixCraft , @claushoumann I’m a music narcoman (addicted absolutely) I can’t work sometime without music. I can’t relax good without music.

Is there any other way to keep this place without adds and in the same time to avoid paid plans? 👀

This is a misbehavior to the users because they are stuffing with a lot of adv. , sometime show up to 3 even 4. And some adds are so stupid and nobody cares them. For example, farm games.. the hell. Who wants to hear/see this?

Bruno Miguel

@verbrecher I have this in "My filters" tab in uBlock Origin and it's working, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)

But you can also use Invidious or Piped, or a (CLI) client like pipe-viewer

@nixCraft @claushoumann


because Google is looking more and more like a 💩 ?

ari melody 💫

@nixCraft still getting ads while literally paying for the service is an incredible reason why we should all be using adblockers

canleaf08 ⌘ ✅

@ari @nixCraft join a good instance of peertube for example.

MaxySoft Tomas

@nixCraft Can you show us ublock expanded. I'm curios of what is being blocked.


@nixCraft there is no point in subscribing to premium...
in principle, no wonder. Another example of a similar:
buying Microsoft products, I become a source of telemetry + tester of released updates.
After money, the next stage is power...


@nixCraft They said no ads, didn’t say anything about tracking cookies for advertising.

thestrangelet :fedora:

@nixCraft I trust Big Tech to do what is good for Big Tech, and only what is good for Big Tech.


@nixCraft it's a good reminder that even if you pay to not see ads on YouTube, Google still needs to surveil you constantly to add value to the targeted ads they show you on every other site on the internet.

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@nixCraft A rule of thumb: no for-profit corporation will take an action that raises costs or reduces revenues without a court order demanding it.

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