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Deniz Opal

@mudasobwa Look at Aleksei! Bringing logic, rationality, and inquisitive thought into warfare. Bless 😬

Deniz Opal


I know. I'm agreeing with you.

The goal is not for rationality, logic, and critical thought.

The goal is to blow the hell out of Gaza.

I maybe made my point in a bad way.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

@selzero I mean, yeah, emotions are important, and humanity is alive because we are emotional, and I am emotional too. But can we get some cold analysis ahead of emotions from mass media?

I read news from 4 continents in 4 different languages and no one asks questions, all we get is rumors and emotions.

Facts are beyond our availability too, and I feel like I am watching Wag the Dog movie save for I don’t know who Dustin Hoffman is played by.

Duh :)

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