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Aleksei � Matiushkin

There are so-called journalists here and there, politicians, even whole governments all around.

The main question now would have been “where the heck HAMAS got the modern weapon from?” but nobody bothers to ask it.

Gaza has been in the permanent blockade for the last 20 years. No airport, patrolled sealine, all that.

And there is the only source having unlimited—and not listed since 2022—load of weapons and the access to Gaza from their mediterranean military bases.

Yet nobody cares to ask.

Deniz Opal

@mudasobwa Look at Aleksei! Bringing logic, rationality, and inquisitive thought into warfare. Bless 😬

Deniz Opal


I know. I'm agreeing with you.

The goal is not for rationality, logic, and critical thought.

The goal is to blow the hell out of Gaza.

I maybe made my point in a bad way.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

@selzero I mean, yeah, emotions are important, and humanity is alive because we are emotional, and I am emotional too. But can we get some cold analysis ahead of emotions from mass media?

I read news from 4 continents in 4 different languages and no one asks questions, all we get is rumors and emotions.

Facts are beyond our availability too, and I feel like I am watching Wag the Dog movie save for I don’t know who Dustin Hoffman is played by.

Duh :)

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