@Gargron Isn't that neato?!

Jeff owns Twitch.

Wasn't that complete and total code leak for all of twitch really kewl?

Everyone enjoyed it oh so much! How did you make use of the Twitch source code that you downloaded?

Yeah, it makes much more sense to publish PeerTube under a #FOSS license and forget about whatev the foshizzles the deprecated, privacy disrespecting monolithic silos are concerned with and stick to our things that matter.

***Fuck whatever the fuck those pricks do*** - we are *maneuvering for safe distance* in space as we speak and to concern oneself with that which we have left behind us is **NOT** *conducive to populating the new frontier before us*.

*Take a chill pill #bruh...* Take a moment to recollect the preambles of Captain_Kirk and #Captain Picard beforre you... ***"...the final frontier".***

"We can rebuild him... We have the technology"
- Oscar Goldman

You being a whiney assed biotch doesn't suit us well. Get with the program, #Eugen.

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #DeSoc #ActivityPub
