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@blogdiva nice words, yet still the US stands in full support and is sending a second aircraft carrier. what are Raskin et al *doing* to reign in Israel?

yes, it's me, liza πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· πŸ¦› 🦦

@Colby do you know what is going in the House of Representative as i type this?

his letter, at the very least, sets the tone for all who are against Netanyahu but are afraid to speak up.


@blogdiva I’m aware. I want Raskin to use his pen to do more than jot down obvious statements like β€œeveryone should follow international law”. Israel isn’t following international law. I want Raskin to explain how he thinks we should reign in Israel. I want him to act like an elected leader, not just write nice things.

yes, it's me, liza πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· πŸ¦› 🦦

@Colby so you're saying you do not know how USA House of Representatives work. it's OK to not know how he can't do what you think he can. but if you DO NOT HAVE THE HUMILITY TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR IGNORANCE i will not waste my time explaining in earnest why what you're asking from him is not possible.


@blogdiva I said he could write about what he thinks the US should *do*. Explain to me why he’s forbidden from doing that. And keep in mind people are dying tonight while he settles for writing nice words.

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