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Evan Prodromou

One part of the enshittification process that @pluralistic leaves out of his equation is third-party developers. Developers are like the canaries in the enshittification coalmine.

They create a huge part of the value of a platform for both end users and businesses.

Platforms encourage this value creation in the ecosystem, and cherry-pick the best apps to either clone or acquire.

Then, they shiv developers with an API TOS change.

Evan Prodromou

@pluralistic Facebook Platform did this. LinkedIn did this. Google. Twitter has been knifing its developer community for over a decade.

Alan Langford

@evan @pluralistic I used to have an add-on that aggregated and filtered several feeds from a social media site, so for example one could just see posts with a specific keyword or hashtag.

An emergency response org in the US used it to present a true real time dashboard of all the things that were happening from its field stations across the state.

All gone now. As always the real value is in the long tail, but because that can't be turned into revenue, it doesn't matter.

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