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Hector Martin

We've been using Matrix a lot for Fedora Asahi and I really want to like it but just... sigh. It's so clunky and broken in random ways.

Undiagnosable encryption failures/desyncs, notifications not arriving, mismatched feature support between clients, ...

The flagship Element client is a bloatfest, but third party clients always seem to work worse in some way, and even Element iOS is weirdly broken vs. the desktop/web version.

It's really sad that Discord basically does everything better.


@marcan element is not any better on android too

karolherbst 🐧 🦀

@marcan the best part for me is, that even if I get a notification, clicking on it just gets me to the last message of a room, not the one the notification is about 🙃

karolherbst 🐧 🦀

@marcan at least Matrix is able to more or less mimic the layout of Discord servers with sub-spaces and stuff, so it's not _that_ bad anymore. But that only gets matrix from "totally useless for FDO" to "we might consider it" in my opinion.

Diego Elio Pettenò

@marcan but it's free! So obviously only shills would be complaining about the limitations and suggesting what needs to change!


You know my feelings about most of this in the first place.

Zgou 🔥

@marcan Have you consider to not use encryption for public rooms ?
That's basically what you are suggesting with discord

Hector Martin

@zgou Yes, not using encryption for public rooms should probably be the default.

But when even simple DMs between two people desync in broken ways, that's just not usable.

Mia Luna Tearmoon

@marcan @zgou and the worst part here is that you simply cannot fix it, because Synapse relies on Python for serialisation, which means even their own so-called second generation server, dendrite (which I am using myself), has interoperability issues… And I am almost sure Python version changes will break interop sometime in the not too distant future.

Jay Lanagan

@marcan probably not any better but I use the Cinny client - Element is just too much nonsense for me.


@jloc0 @marcan Cinny is fine (compared to everything else) but is missing features and development seems to be painfully slow

blueish howl

@marcan gods i would actually fucking die if i had to use discord for work like i would spontaneously combust

blueish howl

@marcan we use matrix at work and it's... Fine TM most of the time. coworker has a periodic bug with stuck notifications for some reason? we've run into that with firefox i think. but we just use nheko for everything these days

blueish howl

@marcan it helps that none of the channels are E2EE. i wish the clients made it easier to start non-E2EE DMs

Arch :arch:

@marcan I share these frustrations. I really want to like it have have it as a viable chat platform but the jank is real. Element on iOS has weird issues especially with long syncs, and Element X is supposed to solve this with "sliding sync" but in practice it's even less usable because chats don't sort by recent messages and you can't decrypt old messages ("coming soon"). The Cinny client is the most usable one I've found so far but it also has weird issues especially around joining new Spaces and rooms within those spaces.

It probably doesn't helm that the main people behind Matrix seem to be working more on features and their server implementation rewrite rather than improving stability of what exists. I'm hoping Conduit, a third party server software, can make up some ground.

@marcan I share these frustrations. I really want to like it have have it as a viable chat platform but the jank is real. Element on iOS has weird issues especially with long syncs, and Element X is supposed to solve this with "sliding sync" but in practice it's even less usable because chats don't sort by recent messages and you can't decrypt old messages ("coming soon"). The Cinny client is the most usable one I've found so far but it also has weird issues especially around joining new Spaces and...

stereo griever

@marcan fluffychat is the second most complete client on mobile, but the desktop ones are lacking stuff due to flutter desktop lacking stuff (e.g. no video player, since flutter linux still doesn't have a PlatformView to gtk...).


@selfisekai @marcan i still have lots of random weird issues on fluffy, especially related to images

there is not a single *good* Matrix client, best we can discuss is "less awful"


Hej @marcan, Matrix (and most particularly Element) has accumulated tech debt, but it's on a good way to solving it :)

The Matrix Foundation is going full steam on the matrix-rust-sdk to have one solid implementation that gives a consistent (good) experience across clients.

It's too early to see the results of this work, but we're well aware of the problems and doing our best to address them sustainably.

Centralised systems who sell your data are easier to maintain, but we keep fighting!


@marcan tbh, I now seem to understand why Moxie was "uncomfortable with third party clients" on Signal when called to take an official stand without taking against e.g. soft forks like

Filip 🌱 ❄️ 🦀

@marcan @GrapheneOS also echoed those feelings. IIRC @matrix answered with some assurances that they are working on addressing many of their pain points

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