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etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@nixCraft I be driving a forklift. wish I could do that remotely but OSHA might have a field day w that one.


@avrin @nixCraft

That's actually an interesting idea. If you had VR could you actually do it remotely? Or is there something that has to be done by hand?

I work at a company that makes robot-assisted pallet-jacks. This could totally be done if you think it is possible.

etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@Sibshops @nixCraft assuming nothing spills then I don't have to get off, but straightening pallets, picking up dropped stuff, etc is pretty common.

now if spills would be decreased from more accurate automated driving therefore decreasing the frequency a driver would have to get up, that might change things but idk.

etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@Sibshops @nixCraft I don't think any of my coworkers that work on the ground would like it though, even if it was proven to be safer than drivers


@avrin @nixCraft

Ah, that's fair. Thanks for the insight.


@avrin @nixCraft I'm sure it'll come. If drones can be remotely piloted from the other side of the world and fire missiles to kill people then driving a forklift should be easy.

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