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etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@nixCraft I be driving a forklift. wish I could do that remotely but OSHA might have a field day w that one.


@avrin @nixCraft

That's actually an interesting idea. If you had VR could you actually do it remotely? Or is there something that has to be done by hand?

I work at a company that makes robot-assisted pallet-jacks. This could totally be done if you think it is possible.

etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@Sibshops @nixCraft assuming nothing spills then I don't have to get off, but straightening pallets, picking up dropped stuff, etc is pretty common.

now if spills would be decreased from more accurate automated driving therefore decreasing the frequency a driver would have to get up, that might change things but idk.

etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@Sibshops @nixCraft I don't think any of my coworkers that work on the ground would like it though, even if it was proven to be safer than drivers


@avrin @nixCraft

Ah, that's fair. Thanks for the insight.


@avrin @nixCraft I'm sure it'll come. If drones can be remotely piloted from the other side of the world and fire missiles to kill people then driving a forklift should be easy.


@nixCraft my life πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Axel Rafn

@nixCraft remote but no online meetings, which I am so thankful for!


@axelrafn @nixCraft How does that work? Do you just not talk to people?

Axel Rafn

@medley56 @nixCraft I often use MS Teams and a few phone calls if something extra is needed. But otherwise, I am in a position where I basically get to be my own boss sort of, I know what needs to be done, I know what my job entails and I just do it very very well =)

I've actually never had a job where I need to use video conferencing at all.

T Kennedy

@nixCraft returning to the office has reduced my Zoom calls by 0%.

RenΓ©e Joy

@nixCraft Hybrid. 1 day home. 4 days either in office or field. Wish I had a second day at a home, but I’ll take what I can get!


@nixCraft I'm the one who uninstalled the camera driver AND blocked the lens.
Stupid waste of time meetings. Write me an eMail. And turn off your cam, I don't need to see you, it's only distracting from the content you (hopefully) have to deliver.

Jepp, that's basically me at work. The "let me do my job and stop bugging me with your social bullshit" employee.


@nixCraft on the sales floor, no time to sit in an office

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@nixCraft remote and without webcam and value-removing conferences.

There are ticket systems.

Use those!


@chessert @nixCraft
Me too but before that I was one of the ones out in the real world getting his hands dirty so those three could sit on their arses having zoom meetings.

MA Caiti

@nixCraft I'm an Uber driver. I commute so my customers don't have to.


@nixCraft Its hard for me to decide which one. they are all so different and complex.....πŸ€”


@liying @nixCraft thanks for including me :blobcatadorable:

Pat McCurry

@nixCraft I was hybrid and I would love being remote/hybrid again.

The House Of Sports Misery

@nixCraft ain't that the truth.

We exposed office life as a useless experience and what did the powers that be decide?

We need to get back to that ASAP!


@RVLara23 @nixCraft it is SO frustrating.

I'm like, a hipster remotee. I was effectively full time remote since around 2015 until my boss was trying to tell me they don't do that, and I have to go to the office 3 days a week. He offered no compelling reason why, so I got a new job that had remote in the description.

I feel like tech workers have demonstrated that office life is a joke, and now it's incumbent on us to refuse acceptance of a stupid paradigm.

The House Of Sports Misery

@jq @nixCraft the problem though is I think WFH as an option is quickly dwindling away.

And I'm no idiot. It's 3 days now. Then it'll be 4 next yr. And before you know it, WFH is gone again completely. They're not walking this back.

And for what? For a large percentage of workers it is a totally unnecessary part of the job. Wasting time & money for a commute again. Control is all I can come up with.

I'm very disappointed in my coworkers for just accepting it instead of fighting back.


@RVLara23 @nixCraft I won't argue that it seems to be a trend. All I can suggest is that the top 1% need us more than we need them.

It's not up to them to decide they're "not walking this back," it's up to those of us who can to insist on it with our legs.

I am not blind to the reality that some workers lack the ability to push back for one reason or another. I live one month at a time myself. But if you can't unionize, you can always try to interview.


@nixCraft Does Irina Block use the internet so we can link her?


@nixCraft Every morning I join a teams standup call in which half the participants are sitting in the same part of the office.


@crumbcake @nixCraft I used to do that once. The entire team on the same desk dialing into daily teams call at 9am. It was truly bizarre. "Hey Bob, look left! Hello there!"

catsynth / amanda c

@nixCraft so much this! May I steal this cartoon? 😺


@nixCraft at the moment remote and trying to keep it that way.


@nixCraft Hybrid but I don't know how long it's gonna last.


@nixCraft hybrid ftw - it's good to change your monitor from time to time.

Jill πŸ›Έ

@nixCraft I notice none of these images show the person's pants. The key difference!



The one that sits in front a computer all day.

Angus Marshall

@nixCraft I don't know! Which one is wearing trousers (pants) ?

Andy Hydes

@nixCraft In two of those scenarios, I'm not wearing trousers πŸ˜‚


@nixCraft unemployed? The square would be dark because I can’t afford the power bill. 😳


@nixCraft option 4, being grateful that none of our company laptops have webcams so I don't have to put up with that!


Don’t know about FULL remote but Hybrid is just an β€˜illusion of choice’.

Apple Annie :prami_pride:

@nixCraft I’d like to see the take on this regarding going to the bathroom. When I was still attempting hybrid work (prior to the pandemic) the thing that finally broke me was the bathroom issue.

Since everyone in the office was adhering to virtual meetings or taking calls, either on the hour or half hour, everyone would get up and try to use the bathroom on the same five minute break everyone else had. It was complete mayhem. The line to the bathroom was dozens of people long.

Eric H

@nixCraft hybrid. I can't tell you how much I love driving 35-minutes to the office to sit at a desk beside my coworker and be on the same Zoom as them all day. It adds so much to my ability to work.

Jan Larsson

Yeah. Feels kinda stupid to go to the office to attend a video meeting.


@chockenberry @tvaziri Well, take the R, E, T from 1, the I and R from 2 and then the E from 3. Go back and steal that D from 2 - and I’m either all of the above, or none of the above, hehehe…

Hobbits Wife

@nixCraft remote but work want hybrid with no good reason. I’ll go in for a good reason but not for presenteeism

Sir Thomas Goodwin, M.S.

I must say that this is probably the best visual summary that hits the nail on the head. Me likes, says Grog.

Jack Wellborn

@nixCraft @tvaziri The original is perfect, but I couldn't help but tweak the last panel.

Frits van der Holst

@jackwellborn @nixCraft @tvaziri just add noise cancelling/closed headphones at the office. I wear those at home (street noise when window open) and at the office.

JΓΌrgen :verifiedgay_2:

@nixCraft hybrid: 2 days office, 2 days at home, working only 4 days/week


@nixCraft I must be the one in front of the screen. The others see a black quarter.

Jean-Baptiste "JBQ" QuΓ©ru

@nixCraft I'm in the category of "between jobs" (voluntarily, don't worry,) but that's very much the same.

Though, I would say, 3 monitors at home, only a laptop when in the office.


@nixCraft Where ever I'm working, I'm disassociating.

Darwin Woodka

@nixCraft you forgot the version of this with pants vs witohut


@nixCraft Ever since COVID hit, I've been remote. It was "temporary" for the longest time, but now it's permanent. My coworkers are about 10 hours away from me so commuting in is definitely not doable.


@nixCraft Hybrid. Two days in the office, three at home.

:xmpp: MobileAmphiHome

@nixCraft none. Never would sign any of these kind. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Mark Buckwell :blobcatsmile: :donor:

@nixCraft @jerry Yeah, but at home I have nice big screens to see multiple apps. In the office I peer into a small laptop screen swapping continuously between apps/pages.

Laura Crossett

@nixCraft Part time remote; rest of the time parent, which resembles none of the paid jobs pictured.

John Blair

@nixCraft I'm the one in the office, but there are actual other people in the space with me, and I don't use the computer to talk to them.

Cheryl G Kasson

@nixCraft Gratefully retired, but I run my own businesses from my home.


@nixCraft I am SOOO grateful I get to work a hybrid schedule


@nixCraft remote only. I'll travel for a good conference.

Benjamin T

@nixCraft I wish there weren't these types of people who insist to meet in a meeting room even when some participants join remotely.

Twitter_expat βœ…(Fedi Resident)


Forcing people to return to β€œthe office” is simple enforcing a right over someone else. A dated custom from slavery. It’s not a hyperboles but a crude truth. Your work and β€œproductivity” does not depend on it. Is your boss that wants to feel as he owns you.


@nixCraft At this point, remote only. I will never go back to an office.

Wendy Lady

@nixCraft I work directly with the homeless. I am really only at a computer only when writing reports. And I'm going to school for carpentry which I doesn't require much computer time. Computers can't hammer.


@nixCraft remote. But where are all the cats??

Saskia Wiel

@nixCraft hybrid, but thankfully with meetings in the office as well.

Frits van der Holst

@nixCraft with my employer (Siemens) they saw the light quickly during the pandemic. In a few months time all employee contracts have been switched to have work from home as a standard offering if you are an office worker. At my office, many employees do hybrid (like me), some at the office every day, some fully remote.

Tony Hoyle

@nixCraft I don't 'do' cameras so luckily none of them.. voice only.

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