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aburka 🫣 #SaveChandra

@brion Amazing (I have definitely been annoyed by this bug!)


@brion … that i live long enough to see this happen

Dr. Matt Lee

@brion can’t believe Mitchell Baker fixed it.

Dr. Matt Lee

@ZiggyTheHamster @brion no beef but also that’s an interesting role to earn millions a year from


@brion and here i though i never get anything done jfc

Diabetic Heihachi


When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars...


@brion The best part is that the person who provided the commit to fix it had had their Mozilla Bugzilla account for like 4 days; it's only like a month old at this point.

Bravo to them finally fixing an issue that has plagued us since before Phoenix 0.1 was even a thing! This is just an all-around awesome thing to see!


@ktnjared @brion Maybe they experienced the bug as a child, it annoyed them to their core, they went to university to learn coding, then graduated, made an account, and fixed it. Life goals complete.

fluffy 💜

@brion OMG, that was driving me nuts for so long I kind of stopped even realizing it was an issue anymore


@brion This is probably the single best argument as to why stalebotting is awful.

So grateful for this fix! I've encountered this many times and wasn't even aware it was specifically a Firefox issue.

aburka 🫣 #SaveChandra

@muvlon @brion Stalebots are used by projects that resent being open source and do not want contributions

Bart Van de Poel

@brion The fact that the bug reporting tool is, I guess, still the same is also amazing. I'm always glad any software tool lasts longer than 5 years before there is another one that does exactly the same but misses the feature you relied on.


@brion makes me wonder if it could be fun to write fixes for ancient yet prevalent bugs, as a hobby. not sure if I will, but the idea is curious. Also there is no pressure: the bug has been there for 20 years, you can take a year of occasionally looking at code to fix it and people will likely still enjoy :3

Julia :v_trans: :v_bi: wait is this from before it was called firefox

oh my god

Maddie (NEW! FUNKY MODE!) :verifiedtrans:
@brion fucking finally, this bug is super annoying, i run into it constantly

@brion @thomasfuchs I always assumed that was an OS bug, not an app bug.

Busy fixing things up before switching from Firefox development to "AI" :marseylaughwith:
Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!)

@brion dang, and I thought it'd been a long time when it took over 10 years for Fink's PR 66 to get merged...

Joshua Barretto

@brion Oh my god. This has been one of the most frustrating things about Firefox for *years*

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