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Daring Fireball

X Rolls Out New ‘Chumbox’ Ad Format — Post-Like Things That Can’t Be Reported or Blocked

Glenn Fleishman

@daringfireball From Dickbar to Chumbox, a history of shittification

Todd Unctious

@daringfireball I'm officially out of there now. Couldn't have happened soon enough 👍🏻

Joe Beam

No one has an excuse to still be on X(twitter). Apple?
The news media should no longer consider it a credible source.

Bill's in the shop for repairs

@daringfireball There couldn't possibly be a way to make this backfire, could there? 🤔

Reay Jespersen

@daringfireball Why THE FUCK is anyone still there?

Months ago that place should’ve been a big empty space where Elon’s echo would’ve been the only thing keeping him company.


@daringfireball when will pundits stop giving them oxygen? If they can’t be taken seriously anymore, why keep talking about


@daringfireball Propping users eyes with match sticks is the next step! “An amazing new advertising approach, X doesn’t want you to know!” 🤬


@daringfireball This partly explains why they removed link titles

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