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Sometimes it can be a struggle, but helping friends and family adopt better online privacy practices makes everyone more secure! πŸ’ͺ 😎


It sure is a challenge. But worth it. I have been with Tutanota for ages now. Love it.

The New Paranoiac :fedora:

@Tutanota The biggest challenge is when they say, β€œWhy? I have nothing to hide.” and having to convince them privacy matters.

My grandmother didn’t even trust cable television back in the day because she thought the government was listening. πŸ˜‚ I know if she was still alive today, she’d be on board with me in keeping everyone private and secure.

Krzysztof Stenografow

@Tutanota I can't wait for multifactor authentication in EVERY web-service in the Internet! πŸ˜