@evacide EFF should be advising their followers to step out of the box that makes them the product. "Harm reduction" my ass.

I am no longer a follower, or a paying member. What I'm seeing lately is both moral and technical decline.

PS - Its hard to see an impact from EFF's fractional "harm reduction" when Google just shoved Chrome users into a new surveillance mode because too many were opting out of the old mode with blockers like uBlock Origin. If your workaround becomes popular, then #Google will react again with yet another scheme. That math won't add up. It is not reasonable to assume that Google is anything less than hostile to privacy at this point, but the EFF's behavior has been mollifying. #chrome

Doubtless your defenders here would dismiss all of this as some kind of FOSS purist pedantry, but it should concern you that their excuses sound like the old Internet Explorer hype of yore. With followers like that, something has gone wrong.