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We improved Metro 2.0 photo previews!

They now occupy more space and clicking on them will load the full size image.

Now available in the latest commits! #pixelfed


Albums and videos are a work in progress, we appreciate all the feedback!


@pixelfed Ahhhww 😻 that's just the best test photo ❤️ #George


@pixelfed that's a nice improvement, I like the full size image a lot.


@stux That is configurable btw, you can easily change it!

(Keep in mind that large custom emoji may be rejected by other instances with smaller file size limitations)


@pixelfed Awesomme! :pixelfed:

I was thinking about that yes! Since Masto handles max 50Kb 😮 We have set it a little larger on Glitch though

Mariusz K. Grzeca

@pixelfed The aspect ratios are all messed up. Only galleries are displayed correctly. Both portrait and landscape photos are cropped. While I could understand this for portrait photos with a ratio greater than, say, 3:2, I don't understand the idea of cropping a horizontal photo. Is it supposed to be like that, or is it just work in progress and we are waiting for the details to be refined?


@mgrzeca Apologies, it is a work in progress, we're limited by constraints of the album carousel and video player and are working to update them to improve this.

I know you've been pretty vocal about your disdain for the new previews and I hope you know that we value your patience while we implement changes based on your feedback!

  Mariusz K. Grzeca

@pixelfed Apologies on my part. It was never my intention to express disdain. For years I used usenet and then forums and I got used to writing lengthy statements and somehow never switched to the short Spartan speech typical of social media. While writing my elaborates, I think I sometimes get carried away and instead of focusing on specific technical arguments I write too emotionally.

Steve Roy

@pixelfed Now THAT is great! Love the emphasis on photos. Thank you!

spaceotter :mastodon: 🏳️‍🌈

@pixelfed awesome! was looking forward to this

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