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Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis


I'll note that one of the reasons that path is different from the other, is that you asked for directions from "Harvard Square" or maybe "Harvard Square Station", right?

If you're actually coming in on a northbound train, it saves you about a block's worth of walking to use the exit that the bad Google Maps public transit directions use, instead of walking back down the platform, and down the ramp, and then up to the surface in Harvard Square proper, as per that.


Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis replied to Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis


I'd argue that the correct directions, if you're coming from a northbound red line train, are to use the north head house to exit on the east side of Mass Ave, next to Harvard Yard, and just stay on the damn sidewalk. You have to trust the process, but it will deliver you unimpeded directly to the Science Center plaza.

And it has the advantage of being a path that works even with Harvard has locked the gates to Harvard Yard (e.g. around graduation time.)


Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis replied to Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis


The problem is it looks like it doesn't work. It curves around the wrong way, and all you can see is the road dropping down and forming a massive obstacle. There's no visual confirmation that the sidewalk crosses to the other side. So the obvious thought, looking at a map, is "Oh I suppose I have to cross the street here" – the street being four lanes of Mass Ave at its worst. And then you discover you have to cross back the other way on the far side of that mess.


Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis replied to Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis


Which depending on how bad the traffic is and how fast you walk, something like a 20 to 30 minute pedestrian detour.


Brian Campbell replied to Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis

@siderea @whitequark Yeah. I guess I've always just gotten off at the north head house and then gone through Harvard Yard; I supposed I've never been there when the gates are locked. But yes, this is a very complex place to navigate through, and one where good walking directions could help a lot, and it's very easy to get misled and take a route that is circuitous at best and could be dangerous if you don't navigate it carefully.

Gretchen Anderson replied to Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis

@siderea @unlambda @whitequark I know someone who works there. That is not working as intended. Bug was filed.

Brian Campbell replied to Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis

@siderea @whitequark Yeah, I just put it where I saw the end of your transit route; at Harvard Square. I hadn't realized that Google Maps was actually doing one smart thing, which is telling you to get out at the northern head house, but then failing to route you past that.

If I look at Google Maps in my browser, it even gives you fairly detailed instructions within the station, and then just gives up once you exit the head house. It's weird where it gives up on walking directions.

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