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John Carlos Baez

@benleis - it's possible UPenn will now get so embarrassed having her listed as an adjunct on their website that they'll make her tenure track and quickly give her tenure.

Nils Skirnir

@johncarlosbaez @benleis
More likely that they’ll dig in and not renew her contract . Then she’ll go to Cal, UCSD, MIT, or UCLA


@nilsskirnir @johncarlosbaez @benleis PLZ let her come to Cal, she'd be brill here, and we have a TON of cutting-edge orgs that would pay her what she deserved!


@johncarlosbaez @benleis

It's possible, but several well-endowed misogynist egos will take a beating.


@DrGeof @johncarlosbaez @benleis Isn't Stanford looking for a new Head Panjandrum of some sort or the other?

John Carlos Baez

@thepoliticalcat - Katalin Karikó may not want to be Head Pajandrum. Since 2019 she was senior vice president of BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals, but in 2022 she left BioNTech to devote more time to research. So I think she mainly wants to do research, not administration.

@DrGeof @benleis


@johncarlosbaez @benleis They will use the fact that an adjunct won the Nobel to push all the faculty to adjunct status.


@brinnbelyea @johncarlosbaez @benleis

Good one! or tell all adjuncts that they should be proud and love being slaves(ish)


@johncarlosbaez @benleis high level academic institutions admitting they were wrong 😑 don’t bet on it


@johncarlosbaez @benleis

She doesn't have to accept promotion or tenure and she probably doesn't have to route the Nobel money through that affiliation. I'd keep the appointment, reject promotion and tenure, accept another appointment at another school and route the money through that affiliation.

But I'm a vindictive old guy so I have behavioral flaws related to large institutions and how they're run.

John Carlos Baez

@mycotropic - I don't think people route their Nobel prize through an institution. Grants, yes - because you apply *through* the university, and the university forces you to give them a cut.

"Most laureates spend their prize money (about $1.4 million) in mundane ways: to pay the mortgage, buy a car or save for rainier days. MIT's Wolfgang Ketterle, one of three scientists to win the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics 2001, said, "I used the Nobel money to buy a house and for the education of my children." Others, meanwhile, such as the late Franco Modigliani, an MIT professor who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1985, buy a sailboat. In the following pages: how a smattering of other Nobel laureates spent their winnings."


@mycotropic - I don't think people route their Nobel prize through an institution. Grants, yes - because you apply *through* the university, and the university forces you to give them a cut.

"Most laureates spend their prize money (about $1.4 million) in mundane ways: to pay the mortgage, buy a car or save for rainier days. MIT's Wolfgang Ketterle, one of three scientists to win the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics 2001, said, "I used the Nobel money to buy a house and for the education of my children."...


@johncarlosbaez @benleis

You're right of course but I'm a grant funded person so I think in those terms. I've also spent "Start-up"/faculty development money to collect data and publish papers and having a pot of money that big would mean that I could do some of the "unfundable" work I'd like to do! I'd just be certain to do it with as little benefit to the institution as possible given their past behavior.

Fifi Lamoura

@johncarlosbaez @benleis Have you met men? Especially the most petty version like the ones who already didn't support her work. They are not going to suddenly stop being assholes now she's shown herself to be a better scientist and gotten bigger accolades than them.

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