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stack oriented array language!? stack oriented array language!

And, to boot!? It has pretty solid dev tooling -- you don't need to know the glyphs, the editor can complete them for you, and it supports multimedia output. You can tell it to display the results of a script as numbers, or as an image, or as a sound file!?

Anthony Sorace

@eli_oat Ooo, this is interesting, thank you! Have you ever used the graphic language pico? It *sort of* treats the pixels of an image as an array and lets you write little programs to manipulate it. I have really, really wanted a modern (in particular, color) version of that for a long time. Maybe this is it?


@eli_oat nice find, I'll be looking at this soon.

Paul Lalonde

@eli_oat what a nice toy. Please never write real software with it.

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