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Devil Lu Linvega

Road to #strangeloop

On the eve of the talk, I sit at a table half-awake before what is to become sleepless night number four, 2 hours in waiting for my first real meal since leaving Victoria to arrive, blatter is coming down hard on this very loud, and very understaffed, and only available vegetarian place within walking distance from the hotel. And, my voice is gone, I can't speak.

It wasn't one big mistake that fucked me this time, it was a thousand little oversights or expectations.

Devil Lu Linvega

I normally am a really careful planner when it comes to giving these sorts of technical talks, you wouldn't catch me going out the night before.

I had assumed that the train would either carry the one vegetarian meal on the menu, or accommodate. After a first day of eating cold bread loaves with margarine, an altercation with an uncompromising attendant on the second day, I managed to secure myself a "Steamed Russet Potato A-la Tomato Sauce", for the third day aboard.

Devil Lu Linvega

I had also assumed that the venue would carry palatable vegan options, or that I could cook my own. After missing the Strange Loop meal service twice in a row, due to talk scheduling conflicts, I managed to queue long enough to acquire the remaining scoop of utterly awful vegan soup, and then returned to stealing whole fruits from the gym and eating them in my room, which I was content with. The problem that wasn't apparent at first was that eating sweets all day kept me up all night.

Devil Lu Linvega

Despite these mistakes in preparing properly for the road leading to the talk, I managed to show up on stage on time, give an (hopefully) entertaining presentation at Strange Loop 2023. I'd love to give a special thank to @jack for the tea that brought my voice back, and @jcmorrow to let me borrow their laptop and install Uxn on it for the presentation.

Also, I learnt how to cook instant noodles with a clothing iron, which was pretty neat.

Jack Rusher

@neauoire @jcmorrow hopefully it won’t be so long until we meet again 🤗

Devil Lu Linvega

@jack yeah, that was way too long a gap! My eyes are set on making it to the atlantic 🤫

Jack Rusher

@neauoire I’ll happily take a train to meet you at an Atlantic or Mediterranean port :D

⛧ esoterik ⛧

@neauoire ugh this all sounds pretty awful. i've definitely been burned before.

for the last decade or so my policy has always been:
(1) plan to bring/buy/find all my own food
(2) leave the venue for my own breaks/meals
(3) have my own travel and lodging plans in place in case everything else falls through

anyway i'm glad you got through it. sounds like folks had a blast! 💥

@neauoire ugh this all sounds pretty awful. i've definitely been burned before.

for the last decade or so my policy has always been:
(1) plan to bring/buy/find all my own food
(2) leave the venue for my own breaks/meals
(3) have my own travel and lodging plans in place in case everything else falls through

Devil Lu Linvega

@d6 same! these are exactly what my policies are!! you would have been fucked at strange loop haha

Avi Bryant

@neauoire @d6 the food situation both at strange loop and in the train was so stupid. I expected it on the train and so brought enough food with me but didn’t expect it there.

Devil Lu Linvega

@avi @d6 I expected the hotel to have a kettle, a lot of my strategy was pinned on having a kettle. failure #1

Devil Lu Linvega

@chainik @avi @d6 instant noodles is like my last recourse, nothing will stop me, I'll make ramen with a car battery and a wire if I have to

Avi Bryant

@neauoire @d6 Bōsai-kun says, always bring your own kettle.

Devil Lu Linvega

@avi @d6 hahaha, don't you dare bosai me young man! But yeah, next time I'm bringing the whole Ōryōki, with the kettle, a pouch of rice, a cast iron pot to make a fire in, I don't care, a little axe, I'll make some kindling from the furniture and make myself a small fire to roast some persimon, fuck

Devil Lu Linvega

@avi @d6 I'm glad you were paying attention during my talk btw

Josh Justice

@neauoire @jack @jcmorrow really sorry there were that many challenges. Thank you for pushing through; the talk was really impactful for me

Devil Lu Linvega

@CodingItWrong @jack @jcmorrow I'm glad to hear :) that's making it well worth the little troubles ✊

Antonín Pavlas

S horkou vodou z rychlovarné konvice a jídelní termoskou se dá normálně vařit.

Nasázíte do termosky ingredience, zalijete vroucí vodou, zavřete a termoska vaří za vás. Těstoviny, rýže to je za 10-15 min. Polévka trvá déle, protože nakrájená zelenina (mrkev, celer, petržel, brambory) je potřeba nechat "povařit déle. A čím déle ji necháte, tím je vývar hutnější.


@neauoire Years ago I gave a nervous tech talk with a cold, a stupid hat, a broken heart, an upset stomach, a co-presenter who flaked, and following a morning walk where I stepped in dogshit. It was a huge mess. I think people enjoyed it nonetheless.

I'm sure you did absolutely great, and I'm sure you had a nerve-wracking adventure that tested you in a million ways. I hope whatever's next is chill and restorative.

Maša Kepic

@neauoire Respect to you for doing your presentation in the face of all this. :tealheart:


@neauoire Yep. I'm not vegan, but a dairy and gluten intolerant vegetarian, and I feel this thread so hard. I'm sorry this country is so unpalatable. Looking forward to watching the presentation once I can find it haha


@neauoire Stealing oddly located fruit in order to survive seems to be turning into a tradition for you at this point


@neauoire unpleasant!! CCC camp and congress have a kitchen+meals reserved for volunteers and speakers.

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