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Anonymous poll


Linux distro
0 people voted.
Voting ended 30 Sep 2023 at 7:57.
Michael Gurski

@galaxydinodragon when the RH 5.2 to RH 6.0 (*not* RHEL, the RH distro you could buy in Borders bookstores) nuked the /home I *specifically* said to ignore on upgrade nuked /home on my DEC laptop, I was through with RH. My punishment has been to be an SA or security guy looking over RHEL & derivatives for 15 years. But I keep pushing Debian and Ubuntu, because I won't learn this lesson...


@linuxgnome more just so people who don't much about OS could vote easily

Diego Pappalardo

@galaxydinodragon the modern "OS battle".
In my old days it was Windows vs Mac.
Today, we all know Linux is da sh!t ๐Ÿ˜‰

Teri Yaki

@galaxydinodragon avoiding Windows as much as i can, but there are customers, so what can I say? Linux will always be my most versatile OS.

Walter Tross

@galaxydinodragon If the question was "What would you use if you could choose", the answers would be different


@waltertross well now ik what poll I'm doing next week lol

John Terry

@galaxydinodragon I have all three plus Android on various devices and machines.

Dubs! ๐ŸŒฉ๏ธ

@galaxydinodragon prefer MacOS, have used Windows a lotโ€ฆ have never tried Linux though!


@galaxydinodragon actually all but other, main machines a mac though.



We need polls where you can select more than one option.

Or poll questions that do not assume combinations are not possible.

Sigma Linux on my private machines, macOS and Windows at work. And I have one server running a FreeBSD distro.

mushroom ๐Ÿ„
@galaxydinodragon macOS but gonna setup my linux desktop for games and photos

@galaxydinodragon All of them on different computers for different purposes, but most of my computers run Void Linux these days.

Andrรฉ Wemans

@galaxydinodragon In daily to daily bases I use Windows, for development and coding linux distro

Nils Skirnir

@galaxydinodragon Use all 3 of Linux, Win and Mac.
Depends on circumstances

Jaap Zeldenrust (he/him)


I'm forced to use Windows for work. In my personal life I use Ubuntu, Debian and QubesOS. And Android on my phone.

I do plan to degoogle-ify my next phone, as my current phone is pretty much at the end of its lifespan.


@galaxydinodragon Use is a vague notion...

MacOS for work, making music and videos
Windows for games
Linux (Ubuntu and Rasbian) for servers and IoT

Perfect Polygon Windows, against my will (my computer is prescribed by my school). Once I graduate, I will be getting a Mac. Might not be ideal, but Linux feels too complex for me, and supposedly Apple is keen on providing security for their users.


This is what results currently look like. The sheet is a tad messy rn but I'll clear it up more when the poll is finished.

Nico Nico Beliฤ‡

@galaxydinodragon this should've been a multiple choice poll tbh


@halla I'll make future polls multiple choice but for now just pick the one you use most

Roni Laukkarinen


This should be multi-choice poll, I use all of them.


Linux Mint, simple and it works. Honestly, Windows seems to be getting more and more annoying and buggy with each new update and release.

Aeryn โ˜•

Both linux and Windows on two different computer

Arjen Haayman

@galaxydinodragon this should of course allow for multiple options.

ChromeOs is missing (or is this Linux distro?)

WIndows for work. ChromeOs and Mint at home. Android (also linux)

Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse

@galaxydinodragon @QubesOS, whuch is essentially with mostly / guests, but also some and
firewall in my preferred setup.


@galaxydinodragon ๐Ÿค” I feel like I suddenly have a better understanding of / the ๐Ÿ˜‰

Nuncio Bitis โœท โœ… ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

@galaxydinodragon I have one MacBook Pro, two Linux laptops, three RaspberryPis, and one OrangePi.
Among other embedded development devices.
Work has me using a Windows laptop just so I can have a Linux VM. FFS

Dewi Ioan

Mint at home, Windows 10/11 At work...
But the main cloud servers run Linux

Arun Mani J

@galaxydinodragon I use Debian under Emacs, can you add that option too? ;)

(I use Emacs with Debian BTW)


@galaxydinodragon Linux on my Desk. But I mostly use my other devices with LineageOS.

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